Privacy Policy

The "alumni" privacy policy is in addition to the University's privacy policy and applies specifically to information held about alumni, donors, supporters and Friends of the University of Liverpool. This policy applies to all Liverpool services provided by the Aluminati Network Group Ltd.


The processing of your data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the Development and Alumni Relations Team. This privacy statement outlines what this means in practice and explains how the University of Liverpool’s Development and Alumni Relations Team (DART) collects, stores, manages and protects your data. 

Who we are and what we do

As a University of Liverpool student or supporter, you automatically become a member of the University of Liverpool’s global network of ‘alumni’. The Development & Alumni Relations Team and fellow members of the alumni community are there to support you throughout your lifetime, no matter where life takes you next. We do this by providing a range of academic, social and networking events and publications and providing services such as library and journal access and employment advice and skills for recent graduates. You will have opportunities to attend events and reunions, learn about volunteering and fundraising, access exclusive benefits and discounts, stay connected and create new connections that can help you in your career.

In order to provide these services, we have a database that contains personal data collected by the University of Liverpool during the course of our relationship with our students, alumni, donors and supporters. In the first instance, this is through the transfer of data from our student record system upon graduation and in accordance with the University’s Programme Terms and Conditions. The vast majority of the information we hold will have been obtained directly from you; and if you interact with other departments, faculties, schools or University of Liverpool staff we may receive data from these areas in order to keep your details up to date.  

Developing a better understanding of our graduates and supporters through their personal data allows us to make better decisions, allows us to engage in a bespoke and relevant manner and helps ensure that you are getting the best contact available from DART for your purposes. It also helps us, where appropriate, to ask for your support with the things we believe you care about most.

The data we hold

If you are a student/graduate, most of the data we hold would have been transferred from your student record. This includes:

  • - Your name, title, gender and date of birth
  • - Your home or parental address, email address and telephone numbers
  • - Mode of study (e.g fulltime, part-time, on-line learning)
  • - Course details, academic department and programme of study
  • - Start, end and graduation dates
  • - Scholarship, other funding information.

Some of the personal data we hold about you has been provided by you during interactions with the University of Liverpool and/or the Development and Alumni Relations Team, for example website activity, face to face meetings, event registrations, volunteering activity or making a donation, namely:

  • - Your donation history, gift amount, Gift Aid status, where applicable, as required by HMRC
  • - Updates to your contact details. Address, email and phone
  • - Records of verbal or email conversations/meetings, including personal and philanthropic interests
  • - Your family and partner/spousal details
  • - Your relationships with other University of Liverpool alumni, staff, donors and friends
  • - Information about your engagement in University of Liverpool meetings, events, groups or networks
  • - Your Volunteering activity with the University of Liverpool
  • - A record of the communications we have sent to you and any responses to such communications
  • - Your contact preferences.

The Development and Alumni Relations Team may also hold personal data relating to your professional activity to help us send you relevant content regarding careers, professional interest networks and volunteering activity. This data may have been provided by you, or it may have been obtained from social media (LinkedIn, Facebook) or publically available sources (Companies House and other business-related resources, namely:

  • - Your current job title, employer and work email addresses
  • - Previous role(s) and job title
  • - Your income band

What we use your information for

Unless you have requested otherwise, the information you provide is used by the University, its Schools and Faculties and alumni associations to communicate with you for its alumni engagement and fundraising purposes. These may include:

  • - Providing you with the services and information you asked for
  • - The promotion of benefits and services available to alumni
  • - The promotion of University of Liverpool alumni events and reunions
  • - Distribution of University mailings (e.g. Alumni magazines, newsletters, annual reports)
  • - University-related fundraising initiatives involving alumni
  • - Eliciting non-financial support (e.g. careers advice to students, help with student recruitment).

University of Liverpool Management School ranked courses

In order for the University of Liverpool Management School to participate in the ranking of their MBA, MSc Management and MSc Finance programmes, alumni details (name and email address) are passed to organisations including, but not limited to, The Financial Times, The Economist and The Times Higher Education so they may contact you for your opinion. You will receive an email if your data is due to be sent on, with a direct link to the data protection policy of the individual organisation. We encourage completion of the surveys as the resulting rankings are a measure of quality and do further enhance the value of your degree.

Wealth screening, data analysis and updating your contact details

The University of Liverpool was founded on philanthropy and philanthropy continues to make an enormous impact at our University, enhancing the experience of students, providing state-of-the-art teaching facilities, and funding research projects that have a global and transformational impact. To assist with our fundraising, we may gather information about you from publicly available sources – for example Companies House, the Electoral Register and the media, this information is used to help us better understand you as an individual and your ability to support the University. We may carry out wealth screening, a process which uses trusted third-party partners to automate some of this work. When we use third-party partners your data is never sold and our partners are subject to contractual agreements which support compliance with Data Protection legislation. 

Through such profiling, we may also hold data that has been created by the University of Liverpool Development and Alumni Relations Team, such as:

  • - Wealth capacity ratings, which is an estimated asset worth
  • - Philanthropic interests
  • - Internal classifications and ratings as a potential donor
  • - A rating level on your engagement which is created from a mix of your event attendance, donation history and other interactions with the University.

We continuously review records of alumni to ensure your data is as accurate as possible. We may therefore consult alternative publicly available sources in order to do so, e.g. Royal Mail address files, BT phone directories, reviewing job information that you have made available via LinkedIn or Facebook (as per their Privacy Policies), newspaper articles, company websites and other publicly available sources. We may use third-party partners to automate this process. 

By ensuring our data is up to date we can avoid wasteful postage costs of mailing incorrect address and ensure you can continue to enjoy the lifelong benefits that come with being alumni of the University of Liverpool.

To ensure that our communications are relevant to you and your interests, we may use tools that help us track whether the emails we send are opened and which links are clicked within a message. We may also track website visits and use analytical tools, such as Google Analytics, to use this information to improve our website.

Other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to the data stored and processed by the Development and Alumni Relations Team so when you link to other websites you should read their own policy.

How long is personal data held by DART?

The University of Liverpool and the Development & Alumni Relations Team considers its relationship with alumni, donors and other stakeholders to be life-long, giving you access to selected University services and a vast support network. This means that we will maintain a stakeholder record for you until such time as you notify us that you longer wish us to keep in touch. In this instance DART will delete the majority of your personal data it holds, but will maintain basic personal data to ensure we do not inadvertently create a new record in the future.

Your right to make changes or ask us to stop using your data

You are in control of your data have the right to opt-out of all or specific communications types at any point. To change your preferences, please contact us via: or complete our contact preferences update form at:

You also have the right to request copies of the data held about you, to do so please submit a ‘Subject Access Request‘ more information on this can be found here.

If you have a concern about how your data is being handled

You can contact the Development and Alumni Relations Team at: In addition, you can raise any concerns direct with the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) here.

Changes to the Privacy Statement

In the interested of being transparent we may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. Any significant changes to this Policy or to the way we treat your data will be communicated via the University website.

Further Information

If you have any questions which you feel have not been answered by this Privacy Statement, please do not hesitate to contact to email or write to:

  • Head of Operations
  • Development and Alumni Relations
  • Victoria Gallery & Museum
  • Ashton Street
  • Liverpool
  • L69 3DR
  • email:

Development & Alumni Relations
Policy last updated 6 February 2018

Developers Connect 2 Social Sign In: Privacy Notice

This privacy notice provides you with details of how we (Aluminati Network Group Ltd) collect, process and store your personal data when you access the Aluminate service (the ‘Service’) via this third-party application (‘App’).


Aluminati processes your data in order to perform its contract, with the institution or organisation, to provide you with the Service. We will process your information for the following purposes;

  • To verify your details in order to provide you with access to the Service
  • To improve your onboarding experience onto the Service
  • To increase your accessibility to the Service

We will only use your personal data for the purposes listed above unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your personal data for a purpose unrelated to the purpose for which we collected the data, we will notify you and we will explain the legal ground of processing. We may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent where this is required or permitted by law.

By accessing the Service through this App, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this privacy policy.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of how we collect and use your data, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office ( however we would be grateful if you would contact us first if you do have a complaint so that we can try to resolve it for you.


Tel: 01638 676 232


Personal data is any information capable of identifying an individual and does not include anonymised data. We may ask you to provide us with or automatically collect certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you, including:

  • Identity & Contact Data may include your first name and last name
  • Contact Data may include your email address
  • Technical Data may include your cookie data, information such as your device's internet protocol address (e.g., IP address), browser type, browser version, the time and date of your visit, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data

We do not collect any sensitive data about you including details about your race or ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, health, criminal convictions and offences.


For data processed under the lawful basis of ‘performance of a contract’, you;

  • DO have the right to; be informed, request access, data portability, data rectification, restriction processing, erasure if there is no overriding ‘legitimate interest’ for continuing to process the data
  • DO NOT have the right to object

To exercise these rights please email We will likely have to request information from you to confirm your identity in order to ensure we are following instructions from the actual data subject concerned. No fee is payable for the exercise of these rights unless the request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive in which case we may also legally refuse your request.

For more information on individual rights under the GDPR, go to the following site:

You have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority (the Information Commissioners Office); if you believe we are processing your data unfairly.


We may have to share your personal data with third parties including:

  • Our service providers who provide IT, hosting and system administration services
  • Professional advisers including lawyers, bankers, auditors, insurers, financial advisers and corporate finance advisers who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance, accounting and financial services
  • HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities based in the United Kingdom and other relevant jurisdictions who require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances
  • Third parties to whom we sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business or our assets
  • We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law. We only allow such third parties to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.


We make active efforts to engage in service providers who are based within the European Economic Area (EEA). Where this is not possible, we may need to engage service providers resulting in your personal data being transferred outside the EEA. Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we do our best to ensure a similar degree of security of data by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented:

  • We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission; or
  • Where we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts or codes of conduct or certification mechanisms approved by the European Commission which give personal data the same protection it has in Europe.

If none of the above safeguards is available, we may request your explicit consent to the specific transfer. You will have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.

In addition to the above, your data may be temporarily transferred outside of the EEA during the course of our staff travelling abroad with personal data (for example meeting contact information and emails). There are appropriate safeguards in place to ensure the protection of your data - including encryption rendering the data unreadable in the case of loss or theft.


We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know such data. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.


We will only retain personal data for as long as we need to fulfil the specified purposes we have collected it for as well as for satisfying legal, accounting, audit, or reporting requirements.

By law, for tax purposes, we have to keep certain data about our customers for six years after they cease being customers.


We use cookies as described in the section above on how we use your data. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser certain parts of our service will cease to function.

Links from our website or other communications may link to third-party destinations over whom we have no control and do not take responsibility for their privacy statements or behaviours. Please read the privacy notice of these sites to understand their data policies.

Name and contact details of the data controller and data protection officer
Data Controller: Aluminati Network Group Ltd.
Address: Hyperion House, The Oaks, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7XN
Data Protection Officer: Daniel Watts
Contact Details: